Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Neglect of our RL loved ones

There is a form or abuse I don't think any of us consciously are aware of that we all do that sign into SL. That is a neglect of our families.  We spent so much time here that this becomes what is real while the ones that depend on us are left hanging.   I have a friend in RL that stayed on pretty much 24/7.  Her son was 13 when she started in SL and he would tell her that he was ok with her being on but the reality was that he was not.  When he graduated this past year, he moved to the town that his much older sister lives in with her husband and family and now won't speak to her or his father.  Now he admits that he was neglected by her and his job obsessed father.   This is far more common than we realize.   There are so many parents in SL that spend their time inworld and not with the people that love them.  Perhaps since the man I was engaged to was killed and I lost our baby after that , I am more aware than most.  I would give anything to have had a life with them and was robbed of it .   There is someone in SL right now that claims to be a mother and her family has issues that should be curtailing her SL time. Yet she is inworld almost constantly.   I hope and pray that she is the RL man , I think she is and not the mother she claims to be.   Or I greatly fear we have a clock tower shooter growing in her neglected household.  
Second Life is fun but as I found out it is not real in any shape, form or fashion. The person that says how much they love you will turn on you in time and your neglected real life ones will not be there.   Remember that next time your child is looking for a bit of attention and love.  

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


There have been many subjects on my mind on the way we use and hurt one another.   This is true in RL and seems to be very prevalent in SL.    Lying to another in RP  is one thing.  Both parties know and understand that it is part of the "game"   But to set out to deceive someone deliberately about your martial status, age , or real gender , when you and that person are involved in a "relationship" is yet another form of abuse.     There are some say no harm since you will never meet anyway but there are many that for example can't stand the thought of sex with a man.  So if are a man in  female avi , you should back off or let the other person know.   I have no objections to experiencing new things.  That is what SL is about .  But when you use it to hurt others and to cause pain , then it is a different thing altogether.

This has been on my mind alot lately.   I wonder to this day if I was told the truth about my ex love's widower status or if his other exes are right and he made the whole thing up.  Am I the fool for still believing in him ?   And what of the RL men in the female avies?  What drives them?   Do they know what a sneaky cowardly this is ?   That they can do real emotional harm ?  Do they care?   There is one in particular that I have in mind that I doubt "she " does.    "Her " actions have been cruel and uncaring toward others around "her".   "She " pretends the greatest of care toward the people unlucky enough to call " her " friend , while sneaking and making fun of them and discussing their private lives in sims to which they don't go.   SL is a small town in a lot of ways though and word does get around esp in the adult communities.    The actions of this avi would explain why "she" has no long term friends from when " she" was new and "she" does not manage to stay close to most people now.  Just those either too innocent to see or those that delight in the pain of others like "her"self.   I think on some level those under "her " know but don't want to admit it .   One of the ones under " her,  has "her " in his profile as the most special person not woman .  That is very telling.  It would also explain his inability to submit to "her".

I can almost see this man in RL while he is sitting at the computer typing.  he is a small man with greasy long dark hair parted and pulled back, a rat face with a mustache.   Since he tries to hurt strong women in SL , I would say he had  a bad relationship with a strong woman in the past, perhaps even his mother.   It would almost be possible to feel sorry for him if he did not do so much damage and delight in every ounce of pain he causes.  I can only give thanks for my own mother that taught me to feel for others and to always try to treat them as I want to be treated.    It is too bad there are not more mothers like her in the world. If we all loved each other and followed The Golden Rule , RL and SL both would be happier and much better places.